Over 10 episodes, all directed by Jenkins, the show traces the odyssey of a young enslaved woman named Cora after her escape from a plantation in antebellum Georgia. As Cora is pursued from state to state by a seemingly possessed slave catcher, Jenkins combines bracing and often brutal realism with moments of thrilling fantasy and beauty. Film Comment sat down with Jenkins to discuss five key scenes from the series, and the ideas and intricate craft that went into each. Listeners beware! The conversation touches on crucial plot points, so if you’re averse to spoilers, please press pause and watch the series first.


The Film Comment Podcast  Barry Jenkins on The Underground Railroad - 57The Film Comment Podcast  Barry Jenkins on The Underground Railroad - 65The Film Comment Podcast  Barry Jenkins on The Underground Railroad - 6The Film Comment Podcast  Barry Jenkins on The Underground Railroad - 71The Film Comment Podcast  Barry Jenkins on The Underground Railroad - 7The Film Comment Podcast  Barry Jenkins on The Underground Railroad - 89